Download Slimy Sextet for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Slimy Sextet on PC.

About Slimy Sextet

The hero Quinn has slain the demon king and brought peace to the world with the help of Celeste, the great fairy of the forest. Now Quinn must repay Celeste for her aid with the promised cost: her firstborn child.

However, Quinn refuses to settle with a husband, nor have a firstborn child that Celeste can claim. Using this loophole, she plans to get out of ever paying what she owes.

Angered by Quinn’s ungrateful arrogance, Celeste begins plotting her revenge. She’ll make sure Quinn has a baby, but not with a normal husband… No, she’ll create a monstrous, evil creature to sire the child. A slimy, tentacled beast made of mind-melting love potion will make the so-called “hero” and all of her companions regret leaving a debt unpaid.


  • Choose your slime’s gender! Are you an alpha male or dominant diva?
  • Wrap your tentacles around 6 sexy Heroines in 26 sex scenes!
  • Find multiple endings! Will the girls be your slaves, or loving brides?
  • Admire high-res art assets made for 4K!
  • Treat your ears to full English voice acting, and an original soundtrack!

How to Download and Install Slimy Sextet

  1. Click on the download button below. You will be redirected to a download page for Slimy Sextet. If you’re asked for a password, use:
  2. Choose a mirror to complete your download. If using a torrent download, you will first need to download uTorrent.
  3. Once Slimy Sextet has finished downloading, extract the file using a software such as WinRAR.
  4. Run the game setup inside the extracted folder and install the game.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you can now launch the game using the game’s shortcut on your desktop.
  6. Enjoy the game!

Slimy Sextet PC Download


Slimy Sextet System Requirements


  • OS: WindowsXP
  • Processor: Dualcore
  • Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard
  • Storage: 12GB


  • OS: WindowsXP
  • Processor: Dualcoreprocessor
  • Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard
  • Storage: 12GB

Slimy Sextet Screenshots