Download SAMUDRA for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of SAMUDRA on PC.


S A M U D R A is an environmentally focused, hand-illustrated, 2D puzzle game that follows a child’s adventure across a polluted sea. Players encounter underwater creatures to uncover truths about “surface-dweller” actions causing the polluted deep-sea world.

  • E X P E R I E N C E – a uniquely designed story without dialogue, Samudra is accessible across lingual and auditory borders.
  • E X P L O R E – a polluted underwater world filled with surreal discoveries & challenges, all beautifully hand-illustrated.
  • E N C O U N T E R – Deep Sea dwellers, creatures, characters, and tons, tons, tons of pollution
  • E M O T I O N A L – journey that depicts being at rock-bottom, and the long arduous trip back to reach the surface.
  • E N V I R O N M E N T A L – activism is synonymous with the project, the profits from this project are channeled towards year-round collaborations with the Indonesian environmental activist circle to minimize plastic usage in Indonesia to 70% by 2025.

How to Download and Install SAMUDRA

  1. Click on the download button below. You will be redirected to a download page for SAMUDRA. If you’re asked for a password, use:
  2. Choose a mirror to complete your download. If using a torrent download, you will first need to download uTorrent.
  3. Once SAMUDRA has finished downloading, extract the file using a software such as Core Alpha.
  4. Run the game setup inside the extracted folder and install the game.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you can now launch the game using the game’s shortcut on your desktop.
  6. Enjoy the game!



SAMUDRA System Requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 & Above
  • Processor: 3.2Ghz
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 5 Years or younger. Very low budget cards may not work
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

SAMUDRA Screenshots